GEMRES : Gem State Computational Research in Modeling and Simulation
GEMRES is a virtual network of computational scientists, mathematicians, engineers and scientists dedicated to promoting collaboration in computational research, modeling and simulation at Boise State University and other research institutions in Idaho. Our primary focus is on fostering applied academic research in computational science and providing links to the larger cyberinfrastructure available to academic researchers at BSU and in Idaho.
News and special announcements
Colloquium Series on Computational Science
This series, held on the BSU campus, and organized by the BSU Mathematics Department, aims to provide regular opportunity for researchers in computational science, numerical analysis and applied mathematics to share their work. If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please contact us.
Upcoming talks, Spring 2016
- Wednesday, May 18, 10:30AM (Education Building, Room 220): Heather Wilber (BSU Dept. of Mathematics) will defend her Master's Thesis "Numerical computing with functions on the sphere and disk" (abstract)
- Thursday February 4, 3PM (ILC 302): Alex Townsend from MIT will speak in the Mathematics Colloquim on "Continuous analogues of matrix factorizations" (abstract)
Seminars and workshops
Below is a list of workshops, seminars, and talks taking place on the BSU campus that might also be of interest to the computational science community.
Regular Seminars, Spring 2016
- Applied Math Seminar : Tuesday, 3:00PM, MB124 (weekly) (more info)
- BSU Research Computing : Coffee and Donuts : Thursday, 9-11AM (1st Thursday of each month) (more info)
- BSU Geosciences Seminar : Monday, 3:00PM, (weekly) (more info)
- BSU Materials Science Seminar : Friday, 10:30 - 11:20 (weekly) (more info)
Computational resources
One of the key goals of GEMRES is to disseminate information on the computational resources available to researchers in Idaho and neighboring states. The people involved in GEMRES represent a wide variety of expertise in high-performance computing on hybrid clusters and super-computers, GPU computing, knowledge of numerical methods and application areas. We encourage partners to exchange information about their computational efforts.
Computational Resources in Idaho
Resouces beyond Idaho
Organizations and institutions in Idaho
Below is a list of organizations and instituions whose members are numerical analysts, mathematicians, engineers and scientists who use computational methods to advance research in their fields.
- Boise State University
- BSU Office of Research Computing (Research Computing)
- BSU STEM Station (STEM)
- Computational and Applied Mathematics at Boise State University.
- Boise State University CUDA Research Center.
- CAES Energy Efficiency Research Institute (CEERI)
- High Performance Computing at Boise State
- Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory.
- University of Idaho
- Idaho State University
Government Research
- Idaho National Laboratory
- Idaho National Laboratory Facebook Page (INL on Facebook)
- Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES)
If you would like to be a part of GEMRES, please contact us.
Funding sources and institutions
Computational science education
- SIAM Computational Science and Engineering Activity Group (SIAM CSE Wiki).
- Results from Survey of Computational Science and Engineering Graduate Programs (2012) (survey)
- Question-and-answer site for computational science (
- Graduate Education in Computational Science and Engineering (2001) (SIAM Review article)
- SIAM List of CSE Graduate programs (CSE programs)
- National Computational Science Institute (NCSI)
- Sign up for weekly NA-Digest to get updates on numerical software, job postings, conferences and many other things related to computational and numerical mathematics (more info; click on "NA Digest Archives")
What is Computational Science?
What is Cyberinfrastructure?
Cyberinfrastructure in the United States
GEMRES aspires to be seen as part of the much larger community dedicated to promoting and advancing existing cyberinfrastructure in Idaho. Cyberinfrastructure refers to the collection of high speed networks, large scale data management and visualization tools, and high performance computing available to a community. This infrastructure is typically promoted through state and national centers. Below are some links to nationwide sites that make use of this extended notion of cyberinfrastructure.
- University of Washington (University of Washington eScience Institute)
- Rutgers (Discovery Informatics Institute: RDI^2 )
- Indiana University (CNS : Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center)
eScience worldwide
Europe has established many eScience (as cyberinfracstructure is more commonly known there) centers to promote computation-based discovery.
- e-Science at KTH in Sweden (Swedish eScience Research Center (SeRC))
- eScience in the United Kingdom (e-Science Institute)
- eScience in Copenhagen, Denmark (eScience Center)
- eScience in the Netherlands (netherlands eScience center)
- D-Grid Initiative in Germany (D-Grid Initiative)
- INRIA in France (Inria)
What is eScience?
Reports, white papers, articles and presentations
- National Academy Offers Guidance to NSF on Advanced Computing Priorities (article, report) (HPCWire, May, 2016)
- The National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) (HPCWire, August, 2015)
- Top Ten Exascale Research Challenges (DOE ASCAC Subcommittee Report, February 2014)
- Computer Science for non-majors (NYTimes article, 2012).
- Giving women the access code (NYTimes article, 2012)
- Report to the President : Engage to Excel : Producing one million additional graduates with degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (2012)
- Coding - the new Latin (BBC story, Nov. 2011)
- Computional Science and Engineering Software Development Challenges (NITRD presentation) (2011)
- NSF white paper on the challenges of developing computational science in the US (MPSAC white paper) (2010)
- Failure is not an option : Popular parallel programming (NITRD report) (2010)
- Exascale Computing Workshop (DOE report) (2010)
- NSF Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery (2007)
- Report to the President : Computational Science : Ensuring America's Competitiveness (2005)
GEMRES Organizers
- Donna Calhoun, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, BSU.
- Grady Wright, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, BSU.
- Jodi Mead, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, BSU.
- Inanc Senocak, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, BSU.
Why the name GEMRES?
Idaho is the Gem State, and we liked the obvious word play with the name of the well-known GMRES algorithm for solving linear systems.
Starting from the panhandle, and working towards Utah, our logo shows the locations of University of Idaho (Moscow), Boise State University (Boise), Idaho National Labs (Idaho Falls), and Idaho State University (Pocatello).
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Last modified: Tue May 17 20:40:57 BST 2016